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The Rockall Trough Mooring Data – NERC National Capability Programme: Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science

The Rockall Trough mooring array consists of five moorings with the following objectives: Rockall Trough Western Boundary 1 (RTWB1) & Rockall Trough Eastern Boundary 1 (RTEB1) are end-point density moorings measuring the baroclinic circulation across the width of the Rockall Trough using CTDs distributed in the vertical; RTWB1 & RTWB2 measure the Wyville-Thomson Ridge overflow current along the Feni Ridge using current meters; RTEB1 measures the eastern Rockall Trough and outer Shelf Edge Current (Figure 1). RTWB1 and RTEB1 include bottom pressure recorders to determine the barotropic variability across the Rockall Trough. The Shelf Edge Current is also surveyed by glider, at roughly weekly intervals, for continuous durations of up to 5 months.


Figure 1. Figure taken from Fraser et al., 2022. Bathymetry (a) and meridional velocity structure (b) of the Rockall Trough (RT) region west of Scotland, along with the positions of the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic observing network. In each panel, green triangles show the locations of (from west to east) the WB1, WB2, and EB1 moorings, the blue square marks the acoustic Doppler current profiler location, and red circles show the nominal endpoints of the RT cross section. In panel (b), solid vertical black lines show mooring locations and the dotted vertical line at −12.5°E marks the partition between the western wedge and mid-basin regions, defined as the midway point between WB1 and WB2. Black cross-hatching in the upper 1,000 m of the eastern wedge denotes the region monitored by gliders. The color scale shows mean meridional (positive northward) velocity in the RT from 17 repeat lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler sections along the Extended Ellett Line in the period 1996–2017, while black contours show the corresponding potential density values.

Table of Contents

1. Data access

2. Mooring data

2.1 Gridded Temperature, Salinity, and Pressure (Microcats)

2.2 Gridded Velocity data (Aquadopp current meters)

3. Volume transport

4. Glider data

5. References

5.1 List of cruise reports

5.2 List of published papers using these data

1. Data access

Data are availabe for direct download as nectCDF files from SAMS data servers.

NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions Version 1.8 are used to describe the data.

2. Mooring data is composed of conservative temperature, absolute salinity, and velocity data from either the western or eastern boundary mapped on to a regular depth and time grid. Data from the eastern boundary (e.g. TG_EAST, SG_EAST) is from a single mooring array east of the Rockall Trough. The western boundary data (e.g. TG_WEST,SG_WEST) comes as a merged profile from two mooring arrays west of the Rockall trough for temperature and salinity, and individual moored profiles for the velocity data (e.g. U_WEST_1,U_WEST_2).

Table 1. Variable names from

Variable Description Unit
TIME Time days since 1st January 1950
PRES Sea water pressure Decibar
TG_EAST Sea water temperature at eastern boundary o C
TG_WEST Sea water temperature at western boundary o C
SG_EAST Sea water salinity at eastern boundary g kg-1
SG_WEST Sea water salinity at western boundary g kg-1
U_WEST_1 current speed u-direction at western boundary (0-1600 m) cm s-1
V_WEST_1 current speed v-direction at western boundary (0-1600 m) cm s-1
W_WEST_1 current speed w-direction at western boundary (0-1600 m) cm s-1
U_WEST_2 current speed u-direction at western boundary (1000-1800 m) cm s-1
V_WEST_2 current speed v-direction at western boundary (1000-1800 m) cm s-1
W_WEST_2 current speed w-direction at western boundary (1000-1800 m) cm s-1
U_EAST current speed u-direction at eastern boundary cm s-1
V_EAST current speed v-direction at eastern boundary cm s-1
W_EAST current speed w-direction at eastern boundary cm s-1

2.1 Gridded Temperature, Salinity, and Pressure (Microcats)

The microcat data were made up of Conductivity, Temperature (° C), and Pressure (db) records, which were calibrated using seawater samples and in-situ CTD profiles and corrected for sensor drift. The instrument data was fitted on to a regular 2-hour time grid using linear interpolation. Conductivity data were converted first to Practical Salinity (PSU) then Absolute Salinity, SA (g kg-1). Temperature (° C) were converted to Conservative Temperature, CT (° C). Salinity data were de-spiked for each instrument by excluding data outside of a cut-off of deployment-median salinity ± 10 g kg-1. Remaining data were further de-spiked up to n(=5) times through a loop where the cut off is one standard deviation from the deployment median, calculated during each pass. Contemporaneous temperature data to the spikes in salinity were also excluded. SA, CT, and P were then low-pass filtered with MATLABs zero-phase digital filtering function; filtfilt, using a Butterworth filter design, 6th order, with cut-off frequency of ½(days). Gaps in the filtered data of more than 10 days were populated with fill values. The resulting data were fitted to a regular 2-hour time grid using linear interpolation. SA, CT, and P from all deployments were concatenated and then fitted to a regular 12-hour horizontal time grid and 20 db vertical pressure grid using linear interpolation. Salinity data were de-spiked n(=5) times through a loop where the cut off was 3.5 standard deviations from the time-series median during each pass. Contemporaneous temperatures were also excluded. Linear Interpolation across vertical pressure grid of data values since de-spiking.


Figure 2. Gridded and merged temperature, salinity, and density from the eastern boundary


Figure 3. Gridded and merged temperature, salinity, and density from the western boundary

2.2 Gridded Velocity data (Aquadopp current meters)

Velocity data (from Nortek current meters) were corrected for sound and magnetic deviation. The data were low-pass filtered with MATLABs zero-phase digital filtering function; filtfilt, using a Butterworth filter design, 6th order, with a cut off frequency of [fs/(1/fs*2)], where the fs is the median time between samples. The velocity data from each deployment were fitted to a regular (12 hr) horizontal time and 20 db vertical pressure grid by linear interpolation. Missing data between the shallowest instrument and the surface were extrapolated in the same manner. The velocity data from each deployment were concatenated and de-spiked. Vertical differences between velocity values that exceed 10 m s-1 were excluded. Missing data resulting from de-spiking were re-fitted to the 12-hour grid along each depth using linear interpolation.


Figure 4. Gridded current in u direction from the eastern boundary


Figure 5. Gridded current in v direction from the eastern boundary


Figure 6. Gridded current in u direction from the western boundary upper elements (WB1)


Figure 7. Gridded current in v direction from the western boundary upper elements (WB1)


Figure 8. Gridded current in u direction from the western boundary deep elements (WB2)


Figure 9. Gridded current in v direction from the western boundary deep elements (WB2)

3. Volume transport

The calculation of the Rockall Trough transport timeseries is decribed in Fraser et al. (2022, is the 6 years timeseries published in Fraser et al. (2022). extends the timeseries of Fraser et al. (2022) to 8 years.

Variable Description Unit
Q_EW Transport for Eastern Wedge Sv
Q_MB Transport for Mid-Basin Sv
Q_WW Transport for Western Wedge Sv
Q_tot Total volume transport Sv
Q_EW_lp Low-passed filtered volume transport for Eastern Wedge Sv
Q_WW_lp Low-passed filtered volume transport for Western Wedge Sv
Q_MB_lp Low-passed filtered volume transport for Mid-Basin Sv
Qh_tot_lp Low-passed filtered total volume transport Sv
Qh_EW Heat transport Eastern Wedge PW
Qh_MB Heat transport Mid Basin PW
Qh_WW Heat transport Western Wedge PW
Qh_tot Total heat transport PW
Qh_EW_lp Low passed filtered heat transport Eastern Wedge PW
Qh_MB_lp Low passed filtered heat transport Mid Basin PW
Qh_WW_lp Low passed filtered heat transport Western Wedge PW
Qh_tot_lp Total Low passed filtered heat transport PW
Qf_EW Freshwater transport for Eastern Wedge Sv
Qf_MB Freshwater transport for Mid-Basin Sv
Qf_WW Freshwater transport for Western Wedge Sv
Qf_tot Total Freshwater transport Sv
Qf_EW_lp 90 days low-passed filtered Freshwater transport for Eastern Wedge Sv
Qf_WW_lp 90 days low-passed filtered Freshwater transport for Western Wedge Sv
Qf_MB_lp 90 days low-passed filtered Freshwater transport for Mid-Basin Sv
Qf_tot_lp 90 days low-passed filtered total Freshwater transport Sv
SE_* Variables with “SE_” as prefix are the standard error of the respected variable. E.g. SE_Qh_tot is the standard error of Qh_tot in Sv. Only available for Sv or PW, respectively


Figure 3.1. Mean velocity, temperature and salinity sections recontructed from moored observations and model analysis and reanalysis from GLORYS12V1 for the western wedge (WW), the mid basin (MB) and the eastern wedge (EW) of the Rockall Trough. Red dots mark section endpoints, green triangles mark mooring positions, and the blue square marks the position of the ADCP which is simulated using GLORYS12V1 output. For more information see Fraser et al. (2022)


Figure 3.2. Extended Rockall Trough volume transport time series for the single sections (upper) and the sum of all three (lower).


Figure 3.3. Extended Rockall Trough heat transport time series for the single sections (upper) and the sum of all three (lower).


Figure 3.4. Extended Rockall Trough freshwater transport time series for the single sections (upper) and the sum of all three (lower).


Figure 3.5. Depth accumulated mean timeseries of volume (left), heat (middle) and freshwater transport (right) in the Rockall Trough temporal averaged between 2014 and 2022.

4. Glider data

SAMS glider missions

Project Mission Start date End date Days in water Months in water Dives    (down + up) Approx. distance (km) Glider name Glider S/N Glider mission
EEL Extended Ellett Line #1 12-Oct-09 07-Mar-10 146 4.9 789 3020 Talisker SG156 1
EEL Extended Ellett Line #2 03-May-11 03-Sep-11 123 4.1 841 2292 Talisker SG156 2
EEL Extended Ellett Line #3 30-Apr-14 13-Jul-14 74 2.5 651 1423 Bellatrix SG532 5
OSNAP OSNAP #1 16-Jul-14 02-Feb-15 201 6.7 1864 3103 Jura SG604 1
OSNAP OSNAP #2 14-Oct-14 16-Apr-15 184 6.1 1597 2987 Scapa SG602 1
EEL Extended Ellett Line #4 06-Feb-15 18-Aug-15 193 6.4 1775 3753 Ardbeg SG545 3
OSNAP OSNAP #3 06-Feb-15 24-Jun-15 138 4.6 958 2607 Bowmore SG605 1
OSNAP OSNAP #4 08-Jun-15 01-Dec-15 176 5.9 886 2911 Laphroaig SG603 2
EEL Extended Ellett Line #5 11-Feb-16 29-May-16 108 3.6 758 2062 Eltanin SG156 1
OSNAP OSNAP #5 11-Feb-16 05-Jul-16 145 4.8 996 2298 Bowmore SG605 2
OSNAP OSNAP #6 23-Aug-16 09-Sep-16 17 0.6 427 420 Ardbeg SG545 4
OSNAP OSNAP #7 01-Oct-16 10-Feb-17 132 4.4 1685 2200 Growler u_408 1
EEL Extended Ellett Line #6 10-Feb-17 26-May-17 105 3.5 770 1674 Bowmore SG605 3
OSNAP OSNAP #8 10-Feb-17 04-Jul-17 144 4.8 1350 2410 Scapa SG602 2
OSNAP OSNAP #9 21-May-17 14-Nov-17 177 5.9 1618 2888 Bellatrix SG532 6
OSNAP OSNAP #10 14-Nov-17 30-Apr-18 167 5.6 1667 2923 Jura SG604 2
OSNAP OSNAP #11 30-Apr-18 13-Oct-18 166 5.5 1149 2209 Kate Stansfield SG616 1
COMPASS COMPASS #1 13-Aug-18 19-Oct-18 67 2.2 2052 735 Corryvreckan SG647 1
EA Ellett Array #1 09-Jan-19 27-Jun-19 169 5.6 1674 3074 Bellatrix SG532 7
EA Ellett Array #2 27-Jun-19 20-Nov-19 146 4.9 1030 1898 Denebola SG534 5
EA Ellett Array #3 20-Mar-20 30-Aug-20 163 5.4 1491 2544 Bellatrix SG532 8
EA Ellett Array #4 24-Sep-20 27-Feb-21 156 5.2 1959 2515 Bowmore SG605 5
EA Ellett Array #5 03-Mar-21 06-Jun-21 95 3.2 1330 1842 Bellatrix SG532 9
EA Ellett Array #6 15-Oct-21 24-Mar-22 160 5.3 1978 2942 Artemis SG671 1
EA Ellett Array #7 24-Mar-22 29-Apr-22 36 1.2 459 693 Bellatrix SG532 10
C2 C2 Ellett Array 02-Jun-22 26-Aug-22 85 2.8 1514 1155 Omura SG637 5
EA Ellett Array #8 01-Jul-22 03-Nov-22 125 4.2 2185 2046 Artemis SG671 2
EA Ellett Array #9 17-Nov-22 02-Mar-23 105 3.5 1126 2127 Denebola SG534 6


Figure 1. Hovmöller plot of Rockall Trough linked glider missions.

5. References

5.1 List of cruise reports

A full repository of cruise reports for the UK-ONSAP programme is available through BODC.

Moat, N.P. et al, (2022) RRS James Cook JC238, 12 - 31 Aug 2022, Southampton to Southampton. CLASS and OSNAP report for JC238, (National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 78) Southampton, GB. National Oceanography Centre 118pp.

Cunningham, S.A. et al, (2020) RRS Discovery Cruise DY120, 08-24 Oct 2020, Southampton to Southampton. Climate Linked Atlantic Sector Science & Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Programme. (SAMS Cruise Report) SAMS, GB. 150pp.

Johns, W. et al, (2018) R/V Neil Armstrong Cruise AR30-04, 01 - 30 Jul 2018, Reykjavik to Reykjavik. OSNAP 2018 mooring refurbishment cruise, Univ. Miami, USA. 30pp.

Holliday, N.P. et al, (2017) RRS Discovery Cruise DY078/079, 06 - 28 May 2017, Southampton to Reykjavik. Extended Ellett Line 2017 occupation and OSNAP Rockall Trough mooring refurbishment cruise, (National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 48) Southampton, GB. National Oceanography Centre 118pp.

Holliday, N.P. and et al, (2016) RRS Discovery Cruise DY054, 27 Jul - 17 Aug 2016, Reykjavik to Southampton. OSNAP 2016 mooring refurbishment cruise, Leg 2 (National Oceanography Centre Cruise Report, 40) Southampton, GB. National Oceanography Centre 77pp.

Cunningham, Stuart & Houpert, Loïc. (2016). RSS Discovery DY053, 26 th June to 23 rd July 2016, King George V Dock, Glasgow to Reykjavick, Iceland. OSNAP Mooring Cruise Report.. 10.13140/RG.2.2.18377.54885.

5.2 List of published papers using these data

A full list of OSNAP publications and reports can be found here. Publications and reports using these data are being updated below.

Johnson, C., Fraser, N., Cunningham, S.A., Burmeister, K., Jones, S., Drysdale, L., Abell, R., Brown, P., Dumont, E., Fox, A., N. Holliday, N.P., Inall, M.A. and Reed, S., 2023. Carbon and nutrient transports in the eastern subpolar North Atlantic. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, August 2023.

Fraser, N.J., Cunningham, S.A., Drysdale, L.A., Inall, M.E., Johnson, C., Jones, S.C., Burmeister, K., Fox, A.D., Dumont, E., Porter, M. and Holliday, N.P., 2022. North Atlantic Current and European slope current circulation in the Rockall Trough observed using moorings and gliders. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127(12), p.e2022JC019291.

Li, F., Lozier, M.S., Holliday, N.P., Johns, W.E., Le Bras, I.A., Moat, B.I., Cunningham, S.A. and de Jong, M.F., 2021. Observation-based estimates of heat and freshwater exchanges from the subtropical North Atlantic to the Arctic. Progress in oceanography, 197, p.102640.

Li, F., Lozier, M.S., Bacon, S., Bower, A.S., Cunningham, S.A., De Jong, M.F., DeYoung, B., Fraser, N., Fried, N., Han, G. and Holliday, N.P., 2021. Subpolar North Atlantic western boundary density anomalies and the Meridional Overturning Circulation. Nature communications, 12(1), p.3002.

Houpert, L., Cunningham, S., Fraser, N., Johnson, C., Holliday, N.P., Jones, S., Moat, B. and Rayner, D., 2020. Observed variability of the North Atlantic Current in the Rockall Trough from 4 years of mooring measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(10), p.e2020JC016403.

Lozier, M.S., Li, F., Bacon, S., Bahr, F., Bower, A.S., Cunningham, S.A., de Jong, M.F., de Steur, L., deYoung, B., Fischer, J. and Gary, S.F., 2019. A sea change in our view of overturning in the subpolar North Atlantic. Science, 363(6426), pp.516-521.

Houpert, L., Inall, M. E., Dumont, E., Gary, S., Johnson, C., Porter, M., et al. (2018). Structure and transport of the north atlantic current in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre from sustained glider observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 6019– 6038.